
Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls

BPA Free Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls in Black Impression for POS Paper Rolls Manufacturing and Direct Label Gumming.

Impression:  Black

GSM:  48 – 75

Application:  POS Rolls, Cash Register Rolls, Direct Label Stock Manufacturing, Electricity Billing, Water Billing, Bus Ticketing Paper Rolls, KOT Rolls

Ideal For:  High End Colour Printing, Offset Printing, Flexo Printing

Industry Sizes:  400 mm , 405 mm , 800 mm We provides Thermal Paper in customised sizes also.

Packaging:  Standard Export Packaging


Thermal paper jumbo rolls are large rolls of paper used to produce thermal paper products, such as labels, receipts, tickets, and other applications that need heat-sensitive printing. Multifarious well-known Thermal Paper Rolls Manufacturer and supplier in India that specializes in producing paper products. RP Paper Impex is Top Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls manufacturing company and best exporter with a strong reputation in the paper market. They Produce a wide range of Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls and are supplied at the best price in India.

Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls Price |Manufacturer | Supplier in India – Thermal paper jumbo rolls are large rolls of paper used to produce thermal paper products, such as labels, receipts, tickets, and other applications that need heat-sensitive printing. Multifarious well-known Thermal Paper Rolls Manufacturer and supplier in India that specializes in producing paper products. RP Paper Impex is Top Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls manufacturing company and best exporter with a strong reputation in the paper market. They Produce a wide range of Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls and are supplied at the best price in India.

RP Paper Impex Best Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls Manufacturer in India

RP Paper Impex is an ISO, ROHS, FSC, and REACH-certified thermal paper jumbo rolls manufacturer and distributor in India. Our company has been in the paper manufacturing business for over 25 years. We are well known for our superior quality thermal paper products including jumbo rolls that offer excellent print definition and durability.

Moreover, it is also famous for its environmentally friendly practices, sustainable practices, and stringent quality control. It is expertise in providing customized paper products in India and globally. Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls manufacturer and trader in India is recognized for their innovative technology, exceptional image quality, and durable thermal papers .

  • As a  reliable Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls manufacturer and trader, we have well-defined and efficient manufacturing processes in place.
  • We follow standardized procedures, utilize modern equipment and technology, and have robust quality control measures to ensure consistency and minimize defects.
  • Commitment to maintaining consistent quality standards and continuous improvement.
  • We stay updated with industry trends and actively seek feedback to enhance our processes and products over time.
  • We are backed by skilled staff that tested all quality paper rolls.

Superior Quality Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls Available in Effective Cost Price

We aim to bring all paper, printing, and packaging solutions under one roof. We manufacture goods using the finest raw material and conduct multiple quality-control tests at various stages of production and packaging. The image life of a thermal roll is 2-5 years. Produced Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls by RP Paper Impex are highly regarded for their consistent performance and longevity.

Consistency in roll quality is smooth and trouble-free printing. The thermal paper jumbo rolls are free from defects, such as wrinkles, creases, or uneven winding, to ensure uninterrupted printing operations. In addition, the paper product is available on a pocket-friendly budget. We never negotiate the quality of products and our supplied items not only have cost-effective prices but also offer full customer satisfaction.

BPA Free Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls in Black Impression for POS Paper Rolls Manufacturing and Direct Label Gumming

Impression Black
GSM 48 – 75
Application POS Rolls, Cash Register Rolls, Direct Label Stock Manufacturing, Electricity Billing, Water Billing, Bus Ticketing Paper Rolls, KOT Rolls
Ideal For High-End Colour Printing, Offset Printing, Flexo Printing
Industry Sizes 400 mm, 405 mm, 800 mm We provide Thermal Paper in customized sizes also
Packaging Standard Export Packaging

Top Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls Supplier and Exporter  in India

We have developed a massive partner and supply chain network in the industry to deliver above-market-standards products and services to our clients. We work with reputable suppliers and distributor, ensure the quality of raw materials, and have effective logistics and inventory management processes in place.

We deal with leading publishers, printers, multinational corporates, continuous stationery manufacturers, exercise book manufacturers, paper converters, banks, government agencies, educational and training boards, transport agencies, pharma companies, and several FMCG organizations. We supply approximately 70,000 rolls per month. Being the best supplier and distributor of Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls our team ensures that all orders stocks are delivered on guaranteed time.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Ethical and Sustainable Practices
  • Reliability
  • Strong Supply Chain
  • Compatibility and Collaboration
  • Own Warehouse

Partnership for Success: Why Choose Us as Your Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls

Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls Manufacturer and Supplier in India that offers paper products at an affordable price. With us, our team ensures that you have access to the necessary materials for your operations without disruptions or delays. We offer customize paper products to meet specific requirements of business partners. Whether it’s adjusting paper thickness, size, coatings, or other parameters. Establishing a partnership With RP Paper Impex can often lead to cost savings. By developing a long-term relationship with our paper manufacturing company, you may be able to negotiate more favorable pricing terms, volume discounts, or other cost-saving arrangements.

  • Long-Term Relationship
  • Collaboration and Support
  • Sustainability Initiatives
  • Innovation and Product Development

Customer-Centric Approach: Prompt and Reliable Service

We believe in 100% customers. Our hired team makes its best efforts to satisfy all requirements of customers by supplying superior quality Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls which are available in several sizes. We build trust and loyalty, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels because satisfied customers are also more inclined to become repeat buyers and advocates for our brand, leading to increased customer retention. A customer-centric approach that emphasizes prompt and reliable service sets our Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls manufacturer, trader and supplier to attract competitors and attract new customers who value efficiency and dependability.

  • Brand Reputation and Trust
  • Improved Efficiency and Productivity
  • Positive Word-of-Mouth
  • Reduced Customer Complaints and Returns
  • Top exporter in India


Countries Where We Export Thermal Paper Jumbo Rolls





North America

South America

Algeria Afghanistan American Samoa Albania Anguilla Argentina
Angola Armenia Australia Andorra Antigua And Barbuda Bolivia
Benin Azerbaijan Cook Islands Austria Aruba Brazil
Botswana Bahrain Fiji Belarus Bahamas Chile
Burkina Faso Bangladesh French Polynesia Belgium Barbados Colombia
Burundi Bhutan Guam Bosnia And Herzegovina Belize Ecuador
Cameroon Brunei Kiribati Bulgaria Bermuda Falkland Islands
Cape Verde Cambodia Marshall Islands Croatia British Virgin Islands French Guiana
Central African Republic China Micronesia Cyprus Canada Guyana
Chad Georgia Nauru Czech Republic Cayman Islands Paraguay
Comoros Hong Kong New Caledonia Denmark Costa Rica Peru
Djibouti India New Zealand Estonia Cuba Suriname
Dr Congo Indonesia Niue Faroe Islands Curacao Uruguay
Egypt Iran Northern Mariana Islands Finland Dominica Venezuela
Equatorial Guinea Iraq Palau France Dominican Republic
Eritrea Israel Papua New Guinea Germany El Salvador
Eswatini Japan Samoa Gibraltar Greenland
Ethiopia Jordan Solomon Islands Greece Grenada
Gabon Kazakhstan Tokelau Guernsey Guadeloupe
Gambia Kuwait Tonga Hungary Guatemala
Ghana Kyrgyzstan Tuvalu Iceland Haiti
Guinea Laos Vanuatu Ireland Honduras
Guinea Bissau Lebanon Wallis And Futuna Isle Of Man Jamaica
Ivory Coast Macau American Samoa Italy Martinique
Kenya Malaysia Australia Jersey Mexico
Lesotho Maldives Cook Islands Latvia Montserrat
Liberia Mongolia Fiji Liechtenstein Nicaragua
Libya Myanmar French Polynesia Lithuania Panama
Madagascar Nepal Guam Luxembourg Puerto Rico
Malawi North Korea Kiribati Malta Saint Barthelemy
Mali Oman Marshall Islands Moldova Saint Kitts And Nevis
Mauritania Pakistan Micronesia Monaco Saint Lucia
Mauritius Palestine Nauru Montenegro Saint Martin
Mayotte Philippines New Caledonia Netherlands Saint Pierre And Miquelon
Morocco Qatar New Zealand North Macedonia Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Mozambique Saudi Arabia Niue Norway Sint Maarten
Namibia Singapore Northern Mariana Islands Poland Trinidad And Tobago
Niger South Korea Palau Portugal Turks And Caicos Islands
Nigeria Sri Lanka Papua New Guinea Romania United States
Republic Of The Congo Syria Samoa Russia United States Virgin Islands
Reunion Taiwan Solomon Islands San Marino
Rwanda Tajikistan Tokelau Serbia
Sao Tome And Principe Thailand Tonga Slovakia
Senegal Timor Leste Tuvalu Slovenia
Seychelles Turkey Vanuatu Spain
Sierra Leone Turkmenistan Wallis And Futuna Sweden
Somalia United Arab Emirates Switzerland
South Africa Uzbekistan Ukraine
South Sudan Vietnam United Kingdom
Sudan Yemen Vatican City
Western Sahara


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