
Cash Register Paper Rolls

Cash Register Paper Rolls for Tele Printer Rolls Machines for Billing Machines.

Sizes:  57×70 mm, 74×70 mm, 87×70 mm, 105×70 mm, 140×70 mm, 210×70 mm
We can provide customsied sizes also

GSM:  62, 64, 70

Application:  Teleprinter Paper Rolls, Cash Register Paper Rolls, TP Rolls

Ideal For:  POS Billing

Packaging:  Standard Export Packaging


Cash register paper rolls, also known as receipt rolls or point-of-sale (POS) rolls, are essential supplies used in various businesses and retail environments. They are crucial in printing transaction records, receipts, and other relevant information during a purchase or transaction.

Cash Register Paper Rolls are vital consumables in retail and business environments. They provide printed records of transactions, facilitate efficient customer service, and support essential business functions. Additionally, these are important for businesses to ensure a steady supply of cash register paper rolls to avoid interruptions in their operations.

Cash Register Paper Rolls Manufacturer and Supplier: Cash register paper rolls, also known as receipt rolls or point-of-sale (POS) rolls, are essential supplies used in various businesses and retail environments. They are crucial in printing transaction records, receipts, and other relevant information during a purchase or transaction.

Cash Register Paper Rolls are vital consumables in retail and business environments. They provide printed records of transactions, facilitate efficient customer service, and support essential business functions. Additionally, these are important for businesses to ensure a steady supply of cash register paper rolls to avoid interruptions in their operations.

Uses of Cash Register Paper Rolls

Cash register paper rolls serve a range of important purposes and are widely utilized in retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments. By providing a convenient and efficient means of printing receipts and transaction records, cash register paper rolls play a vital role in business operations. Let’s explore some of the key uses of these rolls in more detail explained below:

  • Receipt Printing: The primary use of cash register paper rolls is to print receipts for customers. When a transaction takes place at a cash register, the roll feeds into the printer, and the relevant transaction details are printed on the paper.
  • Sales and Transaction Records: Cash register paper rolls help businesses maintain accurate records of sales and transactions. The printed receipts contain essential information such as the date, time, items purchased, prices, taxes, discounts, and the total amount paid which are crucial for bookkeeping, accounting, and financial analysis.
  • Inventory Management: By printing detailed receipts, cash register paper rolls assist businesses in tracking their inventory. The receipts typically include the items purchased, their quantities, and sometimes even product codes or SKU numbers that can be used to update stock levels, monitor popular items, and so on.
  • Returns and Exchanges: Cash register receipts often serve as proof of purchase and help verify that the transaction took place at the business in question containing vital information like the date and time of the transaction, which assists in processing returns or exchanges smoothly.
  • Customer Service and Dispute Resolution: In case of any disputes, these receipts can be used as evidence to resolve issues. If a customer questions the accuracy of a transaction or claims they were charged incorrectly, the receipt can be referred to for clarification and resolution. It helps ensure transparency and customer satisfaction.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: In certain industries, there are legal and regulatory obligations to provide customers with printed receipts. These help businesses comply with these requirements by generating detailed transaction records and providing customers with the necessary documentation.
  • Marketing and Promotion: These paper rolls can be customized with branding elements to promote the business or offer marketing messages that include printing the company logo, website address, etc. on the receipts. It provides an opportunity to reinforce brand awareness and engage customers.

 Characteristics of Cash Register Paper Rolls

These rolls have special features that allow them to create clear prints, endure handling, and work well with different receipt printers. These qualities make cash register paper rolls reliable and efficient tools for businesses to record transactions and serve customers. Let’s discuss some of the qualities of these rolls in detail below:

  • Compatibility: These rolls are made to work with different types of cash registers and machines that print receipts. They come in different sizes and shapes to fit properly and make sure they work well with the machines. This helps everything work smoothly together without any problems.
  • Print Clarity: Good quality cash register paper rolls are specially made to produce sharp and neat prints, which makes it easier for customers to understand and enjoy their shopping experience.
  • Durability: Cash register paper rolls are made from strong materials that can handle being touched, moved, and stored without getting damaged. They are designed to stay in good condition and not tear, smudge, or fade.
  • Thermal Sensitivity: If the paper rolls are made of thermal paper, they have a special ability to change colour when heated. This allows them to print without needing ink or ribbons.
  • Environmental Considerations: These rolls are often made without a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) and come from sustainable sources. Some rolls can even be recycled, which helps take care of the environment and keep things sustainable.
  • Smooth Feed and Easy Installation: Cash register paper rolls are made to go smoothly into receipt printers, so they don’t get stuck and cause problems while printing. They usually have helpful features like notches or lines that make it easy to put them in the printer without any trouble.
  • Customizability: Businesses have the option to personalize cash register paper rolls by adding things like their logo, special messages, or contact details. This helps make their brand more recognizable and gives a professional look to every receipt that is printed.
  • Length and Quantity Options: These paper rolls come in different lengths and amounts, so businesses can choose the ones that fit their needs and how much they use. This way, businesses can always have enough paper rolls and don’t have to worry about running out.

Top Quality Cash Register Paper Rolls Available at genuine Deals

Our Company aims to provide high-quality Cash Register Paper Rolls that are tested and contribute to efficient bookkeeping and inventory management. We are the leading cash register Paper Rolls manufacturer and Supplier in India allowing for easy printing without the need for ink. These sheets come in various thicknesses and weights. Thicker cash register paper rolls typically have a higher basis weight and offer increased durability. Our products are made from renewable and recyclable materials, which reduces the environmental impact. Additionally, we offer these high-quality cash register paper rolls at an affordable price.

Cash Register Paper Rolls:

Cash Register Paper Rolls for Tele Printer Rolls Machines for Billing Machines.

Sizes 57×70 mm, 74×70 mm, 87×70 mm, 105×70 mm, 140×70 mm, 210×70 mm (We can provide customised sizes also)
GSM 62, 64, 70
Application Teleprinter Paper Rolls, Cash Register Paper Rolls, TP Rolls
Ideal For POS Billing
Packaging Standard Export Packaging

Best Distributor and Supplier of Cash Register Paper Rolls in India

Being the best Manufacturer and Exporter of Cash register paper rolls in India, we have the best machines, a hardworking team, and the right mindset to meet our customers’ changing needs for both good products and enough of them, without sacrificing quality and keeping costs low which makes us building long-life relationships with our clients.

  • Highly trained employees with expertise.
  • Adherence to prescribed guidelines and rules.
  • Environmentally-friendly methods and procedures.
  • Dependability and trustworthiness.


Countries Where We Export Cash Register Paper Rolls






North America

South America

Algeria Afghanistan American Samoa Albania Anguilla Argentina
Angola Armenia Australia Andorra Antigua And Barbuda Bolivia
Benin Azerbaijan Cook Islands Austria Aruba Brazil
Botswana Bahrain Fiji Belarus Bahamas Chile
Burkina Faso Bangladesh French Polynesia Belgium Barbados Colombia
Burundi Bhutan Guam Bosnia And Herzegovina Belize Ecuador
Cameroon Brunei Kiribati Bulgaria Bermuda Falkland Islands
Cape Verde Cambodia Marshall Islands Croatia British Virgin Islands French Guiana
Central African Republic China Micronesia Cyprus Canada Guyana
Chad Georgia Nauru Czech Republic Cayman Islands Paraguay
Comoros Hong Kong New Caledonia Denmark Costa Rica Peru
Djibouti India New Zealand Estonia Cuba Suriname
Dr Congo Indonesia Niue Faroe Islands Curacao Uruguay
Egypt Iran Northern Mariana Islands Finland Dominica Venezuela
Equatorial Guinea Iraq Palau France Dominican Republic
Eritrea Israel Papua New Guinea Germany El Salvador
Eswatini Japan Samoa Gibraltar Greenland
Ethiopia Jordan Solomon Islands Greece Grenada
Gabon Kazakhstan Tokelau Guernsey Guadeloupe
Gambia Kuwait Tonga Hungary Guatemala
Ghana Kyrgyzstan Tuvalu Iceland Haiti
Guinea Laos Vanuatu Ireland Honduras
Guinea Bissau Lebanon Wallis And Futuna Isle Of Man Jamaica
Ivory Coast Macau American Samoa Italy Martinique
Kenya Malaysia Australia Jersey Mexico
Lesotho Maldives Cook Islands Latvia Montserrat
Liberia Mongolia Fiji Liechtenstein Nicaragua
Libya Myanmar French Polynesia Lithuania Panama
Madagascar Nepal Guam Luxembourg Puerto Rico
Malawi North Korea Kiribati Malta Saint Barthelemy
Mali Oman Marshall Islands Moldova Saint Kitts And Nevis
Mauritania Pakistan Micronesia Monaco Saint Lucia
Mauritius Palestine Nauru Montenegro Saint Martin
Mayotte Philippines New Caledonia Netherlands Saint Pierre And Miquelon
Morocco Qatar New Zealand North Macedonia Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Mozambique Saudi Arabia Niue Norway Sint Maarten
Namibia Singapore Northern Mariana Islands Poland Trinidad And Tobago
Niger South Korea Palau Portugal Turks And Caicos Islands
Nigeria Sri Lanka Papua New Guinea Romania United States
Republic Of The Congo Syria Samoa Russia United States Virgin Islands
Reunion Taiwan Solomon Islands San Marino
Rwanda Tajikistan Tokelau Serbia
Sao Tome And Principe Thailand Tonga Slovakia
Senegal Timor Leste Tuvalu Slovenia
Seychelles Turkey Vanuatu Spain
Sierra Leone Turkmenistan Wallis And Futuna Sweden
Somalia United Arab Emirates Switzerland
South Africa Uzbekistan Ukraine
South Sudan Vietnam United Kingdom
Sudan Yemen Vatican City
Western Sahara


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